Made in Veneto, Italy

Veneto, is one of the 20 regions of Italy, located in the north-east of the country. It is the fourth most populous region in Italy, with a population of about five million. Venice is the region’s capital while Verona is the largest city.

Made in Veneto, Italy.MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts.
Made in Veneto, Italy.MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts.

MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts. For two decades, we have been sponsoring local museums, cultural organizations, travel destinations, historical sites and various cultural events around the world.

Made in Veneto, Italy.MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts.
Made in Veneto, Italy.MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts.

Made in Veneto, Italy.MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts.

Made in Veneto, Italy.MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts.
Made in Veneto, Italy.MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts.


Made in Veneto, Italy.MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts.
Made in Veneto, Italy.MadeinMycountry is a global platform that celebrates and supports local history, culture, art, and nature conservation efforts.

The Aegean sea: Greece Cyprus and Greek island seafood !!

The Aegean sea: Greece Cyprus and Greek island seafood !!


You can see more in our “Galleries” section:

MadeinMycountry and Saymadein2win International are worldwide sponsors of history, nature, culture and art

MadeinMycountry sponsors local history, culture and art

MadeinMycountry promotes each country’s natural beauty

“Showcasing your country’s best”


Latin America and the Caribbean #MadeinMycountry

MadeinMycountry MadeinMycountryLAT  Latin America
MadeinMycountry MadeinMycountryLAT Latin America

You can see more in our “Galleries” section:


Local, traditional..MadeinMycountry
Sponsors of local history, culture and art
Showcasing your country’s best


Local foods presented by MadeinMycountry

MadeinMycountry MadeinMycountryEU Culture
MadeinMycountry MadeinMycountryEU Culture

You can see more in our “Galleries” section:

Local foods by MadeinMycountry
Local, traditional, Made in My country. Sponsors of local history, culture and Arts.
Showcasing local independent producers, manufacturers and businesses. “Showcase you country’s Best”
Madein-Mycountry has developed through careful research and development a support network of internet centers and business entities, in order to maximize our project’s efficiency. With the utmost respect to each country’s local character and customs we have combined “Modern and Traditional” on our international e-commerce platform. 

We invite you to help us: “Showcase your country’s Best”!!



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